Monday, April 4, 2016



My favorite logo is the lego logo. I think it is well designed because it is very memorable and easy to recognize. Especially because the primary audience of this product is young kids, and this logo is easy for a kid to remember.  The colors work well together and font is playful which allows the logo to be nice to look at.

I like all of these logos a lot mostly because they are pleasing to the eye. All of them are playful and bright which draws me to the logos. They are all very simple, which I like a lot because it is not overwhelming to the eye. Overall each logo expresses a different idea in a simplistic way. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Reflection Questions: poster project

1.  I believe my stance is clear within my poster because of the colors used in each section of the project. To represent the negative associations with republicans I used a dark red to represent blood. For the destruction of the Planned Parenthood I used the colors yellow and orange to show it being destroyed. For my message of the text to be delivered I put a light background and then made the text more dark so the text can stand out which makes the message clear.

2. I feel as though I was successful in recreating my poster digitally from it originally being a thumbnail sketch. I believe that I was more successful digitally than the hand drawn version, I was able to think more outside of the box while I was on Illustrator. In the digital version I was able to add color and add more life to each image

3. I made a lot of changes from the first version of the poster to the final version of the poster. The most important change was the addition of color. Once I added color the whole premise of the poster was changed and made my poster more visually interesting.

4. While looking at the rubric I feel as though I am strongest in the concept area because I feel as though my message is very well portrayed in my poster. I feel least confident in the design category only because I feel like I could have made more use with the page and overall have a better design process.

5. The most challenging part of my project conceptually was making my message clear to the audience. I am trying to promote the idea that I am against the republicans shutting down planned parenthood and it was hard for me to explain that so conceptually it took me awhile to come up with an image to represent that idea.

6.Visually, the part I struggled most with was the destruction of the planned parenthood. It was difficult to crop the building in a way that looked like it was being destroyed, and then individually crop parts of the building to look like parts were coming off. I then had to image trace each piece and transform each part of the building, it was difficult but it worked out eventually.




Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I am very passionate about supporting planned parenthood while a majority of republicans/conservatives are not. The issue of shutting down planned parenthood is recent based on false information that was leaked about the procedures that happen there. I believe planned parenthood is critical and should not be shut down, it gives women more opportunities.

On social media I follow accounts that relate to women's rights, this issue has been very important in that topic and I have seen posts I strongly agree with. This topic is very controversial in society, people take this argument very seriously. I believe it is right to keep planned parenthood alive because it is a place that helps women and it overall a helpful resource.

I am support planned parenthood because of the amount of support they have for women. This article is about politicians in Kansas who cut funds for planned parenthood. This is upsetting because now women in Kansas have less rights to chose what they want to do with their bodies. Overall, Planned Parenthood is a beneficial foundation and politicians should stop cutting funds.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bridget DiPalermo
Self symbol GIF reflection 

1) My self symbol concept is trying to capture one of my biggest fears which is the ocean. I arrived to this idea for my concept when making thumbnail sketches, I drew things I liked and things that represent me. Yet, none of these ideas were creative enough but then I came to the Idea of drawing things that I am scared of. I had multiple different ideas but I thought that animated the ocean was an interesting concept. I purposely did not make the GIF scary, I used a dolphin instead of a shark. I did this because the concept is hidden, yet I know the significance of what the ocean means to me and how this GIF has a deeper meaning. 

2) My animated GIF has evolved from its original thumbnail sketch/post-it note idea is by adding a lot more color to my idea. Adding color changed my concept a lot, I had only pictured it in black and white but once I had to create the ocean my idea had changed a lot. Other than the color aspect of this GIF the actual animation is not what I fully expected and creating the dolphin was harder than I expected it to be. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection Prompts:

1) My concept behind the portrait transformation is to add two realities into one picture. I changed my idea from the I originally emailed Ms.Lee. I liked the idea of having the background picture being my own original photo and adding cartoon images on top of it to have a strong contrast between real life and a make believe drawn life. It is pleasing to the eye because it makes you question what is real and what is not real. It is the juxtaposition of real and not real.

2) Reality vs. idea

3) Considering this is my first time using photoshop I would say that I am happy with my results. It took me awhile to understand the sophistication of photoshop so actually having done a real project on it I am proud of my work and I am proud of my concept.


5) For my project I needed to use layer masks so I could create a cartoon background. I took many pictures that I needed to put behind myself. The only way I could add these images to blend into the background was using a layer mask. What I did was I found images of the cartoon version of each realistic thing in my background. I created a layer mask of my background layer. I then cropped the cartoon image and made that image a new layer on top of my layer mask background. Then I placed the images where I wanted in my background and continued doing this until I felt like my project was complete. 

Monday, November 2, 2015